I'm in a picture posting mood and the internet connection is strong, so I'm uploading 3, that's right 3 pictures right now. They are more pictures of the school to help give you a better idea of where I'm actually spending time. The first picture is of the front of the school, or at least the most visible part of the school. This, of course, is dominated by a picture of the King and adorned with Thai flags (the red, blue and white ones) and the Royal flag (the yellow ones). Below the King is a statue of the founder of the school. The whole front of the school here is very pretty and has wonderful gardens and great shade - it is one of my favorite parts of the school.
The next picture is a picture of the science building. I'm not teaching there, but that is the designated science building. The building I'm

in (see the last post) is the International Building, which hosts the English Program and many of the English language classes (as well as the English teacher offices). I get to visit this building often and would love to teach there. It is really pretty and has a great breeze. There is not air-conditioning, so the windows are open. My classrooms have air-conditioning, which is nice, but the breezes and the fresh air would be pleasant as well.
The next picture is of the main office. This is where the director of the school has his office as

well as all of the other administrators. Each morning the teachers come here to sign in. The campus is fairly large, but smaller than one would think for a student body of 4,500. It is definitely smaller than DU's campus. They do a good job of cramming 60 students into each classroom during class. The next picture is taken from the top floor of my building overlooking campus. Looking out this first building is the shop building. Every few days there is an incessant banging coming from that building meaning the students are hard at work. The building behind that is the main office building followed by more classrooms. To the right there are also two other classroom buildings.

The next picture looks out to the left. You can see the end of the shop building and the main office building on the right side of the picture. Next to the shop is one of the spirit houses on campus (there are at least two). Off to the left is the science building, the canteen (the cafeteria), the auditorium, the athletic fields and more classrooms. In the distance, you can sort of make out some mountains. Lampang does sit is a valley surrounded by mountains on all sides.
Ryan you're awesome! Beautiful pictures - but where are the people? I'm not really believing there are 4500 if it looks like that all the time!!!!! me