Here it is folks...at long last...the picture you have all been waiting for. My motorbike! Mom, note the helment in the basket for easy access before riding. Everyone, notice that I am driving a motorbike with a basket on it. That's right, I'm that cool. For those of you who know what my car in CO looks like, note that again, I have opted for the racing stipes along the side. What is it with my vehicles and racing strips? Also note, I am driving the Fresh II, not Fresh I, but the Fresh II. Oh yeah. For those of you visiting at some point, note that there is room for two. Those not planning a visit, you may change your minds after viewing this picture and come just to get a ride. The bike is parked out front of my apartment with the other bikes of those living in the apartments. This is definitley the primary mode of travel for people here. And I love how much I'm spending on gas. The price of gas here is similar to that in the states, about $3 a gallon. I'm using about 1 gallon every 2 weeks so far. That amounts to about $1.50 a week in gas. Can't beat that. I'm working on a picture of me on the bike. I've got to keep your attention somehow.
Sweetness! Don't fall over! me