Wednesday, February 28, 2007

You look thin


In the past several months I've been greeted by several people who I haven't seen for a little while with the comment that I look thin. One of my friends in Lampang has commented on this twice and during my weekend visit to Chiang Mai, one friend and my host mother both said the same thing. Now, I don't know how exactly to take this. I haven't really had anyone comment on my weight in the past - it's never really come up. But in the past few months, several people have commented on it. Now, I haven't lost weight. After these comments this weekend, I went to one of the scales they have in the shopping malls and weighed myself (just to be sure) and I haven't really lost or gained weight. Maybe it's my shirts or some other factor, but I guess that there is something that, on occasion, is making me look thin. The second day I was with my host family, my host mom then mentioned that I didn't look thin that day. Which I guess was reassuring because I wasn't thin anymore, but then at the same time what exactly does that mean? Oh boy...

Anyway, I thought it was interesting and thought that someone out there in the electronic world might find this slightly humorous.

Until next time,


1 comment:

  1. Ok, so I went to another scale the other day after yet another friend said I looked thin and sure enough I had lost weight. I actually have lost about 15 lbs! I don't know how I did it! I eat a ton! Oh well...
