Saturday, February 24, 2007

High School


The last entry that I wrote was about the last day of school and I wrote about that day because something stood out about it and at the time I couldn't place it. But as the day wore on, I began to realize what it was reminding me of high school when I was a student. At university, there wasn't that same concentrated euphoria when school was out. People finished at different times and just went on there way, but in high school, you knew when school was out and summer had started. Walking across the campus here brought me back to my last days in high school and it was a strange feeling to be back there again. The atmosphere was the same and so was the weather. The only difference was that this time, I was a teacher (well, and I'm in Thailand). But it was an interesting feeling and I guess one of the side effects of being a teacher.


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    I am trying to recall how I felt when the last day in high school.. I think I felt the 'summer'. The sense of 'Summer Wind'. But I can not remember the summer in Lum Pang at all. Too long time to remember.

    Have a nice day!

  2. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Yes, I know the feeling and the joy and excitment of the students - actually it happens before any of the bigger breaks - it was definitely there last thursday as we finished midterms and the kids were about to go on break - yeah, we are going on break!!!
